Founding General Assembly


Dear ITU PhD Community,

We are excited to invite you to the founding meeting of the ITU PhD Club!

While we have arranged events, hosted talks and had our fun we are not actually a proper democratic organisation yet, but just a group of people winging it!

We are fixing that by drafting a constitution defining the club and setting up procedures for who and how the club is run. This will also ensure that the club hopefully survives in the future! We have now written a draft (attached as the PDF button under the title) which we will then vote on at the meeting. If passed this will be the birth of PhD Club proper! At the same time we will elect our first board.


🎉 Welcome

📑 Presentation of the Constitution

🗳️ Voting on the Constitution

🎤 Presentation of Board Candidates

🌟 Election of the Initial Board

💡 Discussion on Goals and Activities

🌈 Closing Remarks

Election Announcement

We’re excited to announce that you are welcome to run for the board. The board has 3 fixed roles with special jobs and then up to 4 board members who support the board in their activities. The three key positions are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and Treasurer.

Chairperson: The leader steering our ship, facilitating meetings, and guiding the overall direction of the ITU PhD Club.

Vice Chairperson: The right-hand person to the Chairperson, assisting in their duties, and stepping in when needed.

Treasurer: The financial wizard managing the club’s budget, keeping the finances in check, and ensuring transparency in all monetary matters.

Hopefully we can get every department represented in the board so we cover all of us, but that is up to you, the members to decide!

We estimate that for the 3 main positions, the time commitment is around 4 hours a month, for the other board members the estimate is around 2 hours a month. You can list these hours as duty hours in agreement with your supervisor.

Hoping to see you there

The People Winging It

Nov 24, 2023 16:00 — 17:00
IT-University of Copenhagen, AUD4
Rued Langgaards vej 7, Copenhagen, 2300