Hey there fellow PhDs
While you’re doing your research and teachings and whatnot at ITU you get a PDF each month with a table, some arbitrary text and numbers which indicates how much you’re paid. but what does it actually mean? And who even decides what the pay is? How come my older colleagues get more and younger get less? And can I affect the number?
Get the answers to that and more on the 13th of November at ITU when the PhD Club invites two awesome speakers to quickly walk us through the ins and outs of the Danish labour market!
First up, we have Sarah Rosenkrands from DM, a trade union representing academics throughout Denmark. She’ll be breaking down the unique negotiation process between employees, employers, and the state that determines not only your pay but also your hours, vacation, sick leave, and much more.
With that as context our next speaker is one of our trade union representatives: Christopher Gad. He will help us understand how ITU implements that agreement and what exactly that PDF we get each month mean, why it might differ among us and why the numbers sometimes go up. We will also learn what their role as trade union representatives are and what we as employees can use them for.
So, join us on the 13th from 13:00 to 14:00 at AUD3 (2A56) at RLV to unlock the secrets of your paycheck and the Danish Labour market!
While the event is primarily based on PhD’s and the regulations tied to that role, the event is also useful for anyone not familiar with the Danish labour market and is therefore open for all. Feel free to bring a post-doc or research assistant!